AK 47 Weed.


AK 47 Weed is a high-THC sativa which has a fun and demanding effect. It has relaxed properties and energizes, making it a good choice for patients with various diseases. This strain is also beneficial for patients suffering from attention, anxiety, or depression. Lellow High which takes place short is a good choice for those who need relief from pain, nausea, or stress.

The AK-47 was named after the AK-47 engine gun used in the Afghan war. This plant has a strong euphoria effect and is generally referred to as a "miracle of one hit" among beginner smokers. However, regardless of its popularity as a recreational concoction, the AK-47 deserves more attention. This is one of the most popular marijuana varieties. The Dutch company that created it was responsible for its creation. Weed this has been popular since the early 1990s and continues to be one of the most sought-after varieties of companies.

The high of the AK-47 starts with the rumors of the brain and fades into a deep relaxation of the body. While weeds don't give users high vibrant, it is recommended to wait until the trichoma is mostly yellow, which shows the buzz of the body. The effect is mellow, bubbles can make you feel giggly and creative, but need to know that it might have side effects such as small headaches and dizziness.

AK 47 Weed  is a very good choice for beginners. The high of marijuana flowers is very durable, making it a good choice for the first timer. This is a big tension for those who are new in the marijuana world. With decades of praise, the AK-47 is one of the most popular choices among recreational users. So what are you waiting for? Grow now!

The AK-47 weed has a stinging smell, which has a few oranges. The aroma is piney and skunky, with a layer of sweet orange. During high, you will feel euphoria and giggly. This will make you forget the pain and willingness you have experienced for the past few weeks. In addition, the AK-47 can also be used to treat depression and anxiety.

Aside from being a good choice for medical users, AK-47 is also good for recreational users. It feels unique and consistent, and has wood soap, skunk. This is a powerful weed, and if you are looking for the best weeds to use, the AK-47 is your best bet. With decades of praise, this strain is a very good choice.

The AK-47 Weed is a high dominant Sativa hybrid, but does not have a high head height. The CBD and CBN content warders the effects of THC, making you with mellow mood and euphoria. Besides being the right choice for indoor marijuana, AK 47 Weed also has a large bag attraction.

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.